About Us

Koridor Utiliti Johor Sdn Bhd (KUJSB) is a company under PIJ Holdings Group, which is fully owned by the State of Johor through Perbadanan Islam Johor. KUJSB has been entrusted as the Utility Supervisor by the State of Johor and is mandated to establish and manage the One Stop Agency for Johor’s Utility Infrastructure Corridor.

As a one-stop agency, Koridor Utiliti Johor is given the responsibility to coordinate, plan, implement policies and procedures in integrating utility development information - at the same time to help the government in preparing a comprehensive and exclusive master plan that is able to balance utility infrastructure development.

Tasks And

  • Coordination of Way Leave Approval Management System and Permit
  • Preparation of Planning Master Plan & Management of Utility Infrastructure Development Plan
  • Coordination and progreessive supervision
  • Plan and equip common infrastructure facilitites(Common Duct / Utility Tunnel)
  • Management and Development of Utilities Database
  • Developing entrepreneurship in the industry
  • Reduce risk of repetitive digging
  • To strive for zero digging policy
  • Nurture effective managemeny in the industry
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